Mande um email para mim no ou no
me ligue no 11957774276 que tem whatsapp.
vou precisar dos dados pessoais dados da farda medidas e também data de entrega


If you are outside Brazil can use our international payment by PayPal, with registration and comes with a projection of the cost of transportation, please email the Zip Cod so we can update.
Send me whatsapp +55 11957774276
Or Email:
** personal email:
tell me : zip code for prices by send

Ask about payment link from paypal, I will send to you by email and you can pay with international credit cards.
There is a small transaction fee. (7.4%)

It is necessary to send the registration with your full details to send documents and see the value of the Brazilian courier.
It was necessary to send all the steps correctly.
very grateful! All have good jobs and a lot of peace.

If you have problems and questions please contact us by email: that send button collection to your email directly on your request. grateful
Page for International Settlements

Farda Blue Complete: Skirt, shirt and tie with pocket : R$ 500,00

Full White Uniform: White dress, green set full : R$ 760,00

Skirts White or Blue : R$ 380,00

Uniform Shirts for ML White and Blue MC Farda : R$ 150,00

Green Full Set: kilt, banners, swords, joys : R$ 280,00

Estimated Shipping fee up to 2kg : R$ 150,00

Ask about payment link from paypal, I will send to you by email and you can pay with international credit cards.
There is a small transaction fee. (7.4%)

Formas de Entrega e Feitio

Nosso Fardamento é Padrão em todas as linhas do Daime e Santo Daime, seguidores do Mestre Raimundo Irineu Serra.

Our Uniforms are standard on all lines of the Daime and Santo Daime, Proto Socorro and eastern lines, followers of the Master Irineu. 

CONTATO Salve a Lua Branca!

55 11 957774276

Pagamento com boleto bancário, depósito identificado, PagSeguro e pagamentos internacionais com PayPal.

55 11 957774276 whatsapp

Payment by bank transfer, deposit identified PagSeguro and international payments with PayPal

Colaboradores da Lua Azul

* Helkalu,  fardadeira, fotógrafa, artista plástica e costureira, SP, Brasil (fardamento feminino)

* Tomas Arandu, Ourives, Estreleiro artesanal, São Tomé das Letras, Brasil (estrelas)

* Jose Capitão Ceu de Mairinque (maracas, estrelas)

* Cerise Cravol, sp Céu da Lua Cheia Maraca coroas rosetas

Fardas Branca batalhão feminino e masculino
Farda Branca Feminina $460,00
Farda Branca Masculina $450,00

Fardas Azul batalhão feminino e masculino
Farda Azul Feminina $360,00
Farda Azul Masculina $320,00